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School Profile

♦ School Mission

Consistent with the philosophy of Christian education, we aim to provide each student with quality all-round education, so that our students achieve their maximum potential, behave well, achieve excellent  academic  results and contribute to our society. Nurtured by caring teachers in a Christian-rich environment, our students can know God’s love, understand the Christian faith and be willing to embrace God.

♦ School Vision

  • To provide a varied curriculum based on the Christian faith, facilitating students’ moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual development.
  • To help each student develop their potential by adopting a student-centred approach and teaching students according to their needs.
  • To nurture students’ abilities and interest in learning so that they are innovative, adaptable and equipped to pursue life-long learning.
  • To develop students’ self-confidence, sense of responsibility and social skills so that they are willing to assume responsibility and contribute to society and the nation.
  • To educate students to value their families and develop harmonious interpersonal relationships with others.
  • To closely cooperate with the Rhenish churches so that students can know God the Creator and can understand, practise and uphold the Christian faith.
  • To help students experience God’s love through sharing of teacher testimony and by providing examples of loving service.
  • To equip the campus with an ideal learning environment.

♦ School Motto

Strive for excellence and

bear witness to the Lord.

♦ School Song

禮賢中學 ♦ 校歌


禮賢中學 基督精神,
宣揚真理 培育全人;
學子莘莘 共坐一堂,
砥礪互愛 研讀勤奮。
良師益友 春風化雨,
明燈照耀 身教先行;
學以致用 委身社群,
堅守主道 生命永恆。

♦ School Profile

Please refer to the Secondary School Profiles website for more information about our school。